My teaching has two goals. First, I work to equip students to understand the world by helping them develop valuable skills like writing, presentation, close reading and statistical thinking through critical engagement with political science. Second, I want to help students understand how social science is relevant to their lives and interest in politics. Attaining these goals helps prepare students to thrive in their communities and workplaces. To facilitate broad and deep student engagement with difficult or abstract concepts, I first motivate learning with big questions and relevant examples. I then help students meet clear, challenging and attainable learning objectives with accessible examples, hands-on activities, supporting materials and careful organization.

Repository of Replication Data for Political Science Articles with Cross-Sectional OLS

This repository contains replication data and citations for papers with OLS estimators and cross-sectional data. It helps teachers and students find accessible examples for replications of published studies.

For a longer introduction, see this blog post at The Political Methodologist.


Fall 2023

International Relations Theories and Concepts

Spring 2023


Foreign Policy Mistakes

Fall 2022

The Political Economy of Security

Spring 2022

Foreign Policy Mistakes (UVA)

Spring 2021

The Political Economy of Security (UVA)

Fall 2019 & Spring 2020

Introduction to Research Methods (TAMU):